Sunday, January 16, 2022

The Spectrum Monitor - Great publication!


We have mentioned it before, but will do it again! The Spectrum Monitor (TSM) is an awesome publication for the radio enthusiast! 

I really look forward to getting this publication each month! Great writers with an excellent variety of articles and columns each month. I am a charter subscriber since its beginning in 2014. It is very similar to the former Monitoring Times magazine which discontinued publication in 2013.

Check out TSM on their web site at:

TSM is usually around 100 pages and is packed with the latest on Amateur Radio, Shortwave, Scanning, Satellites, Radio/TV, Vintage radio, etc. The news and articles are always up to date and relevant. TSM is available only in PDF format and can be read on any device capable of opening a PDF file. I read TSM both on my tablet and PC. I also occasionally print out interesting articles that I might need for future reference in the shack.

The TSM publisher, Ken Reitz KS4ZR, is the former managing editor, features editor, columnist and feature writer for Monitoring Times. As well as a former feature writer and columnist for several other publications. TSM has some very experienced and talented writers that do a great job of covering many interesting topics each month! (learn more about the TSM staff here: )

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Fulton Amateur Radio Club News

 The Fulton Amateur Radio Club is a very active club in Oswego County. Thanks to Mike Regan for sending along information on the W2TQF Scholarship and their Pathfinder Net.

Thomas G. Cantine Jr W2TQF Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship was established after the untimely death of Thomas G. Cantine Jr, who was an active amateur radio operator for over 50 years.  Obtaining his license at the age of 13 in 1957, Tom held the call sign: W2TQF.  Tom’s hobby of amateur radio led to a career as a sales engineer and engineering consultant.  Tom taught amateur radio classes, was a volunteer examiner, active in ARES (Amateur Radio  Emergency Service), RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) and was a  charter member of the Fulton Amateur Radio Club and served as the president of the radio club for several terms.  This scholarship has been set up in memory of Tom and his passion for amateur radio.

Learn more at:

The Pathfinder net originated on May 14th 1984 and operates every night during the week at 9pm on the 147.15 repeater in Fulton NY with a (+) offset and 103.5 PL. The purpose of this net is Amateur fellowship. All stations are welcome and the net welcomes any information or traffic that you may have.

Monday, January 10, 2022

145.15 KD2SL repeater - off the air

 Please announce online and on the nets:

The KD2SL repeater on 145.15 is off the air as of 4:00 pm on January 10th, because the antennas for 2 meters and the 440 link to Auburn have to be removed from the tower.  It may be possible to move the repeater to the other TV tower and restore the tie-in with Auburn, but it could take weeks, or even months to accomplish this.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.”

73 – Kevin KD2SL

Friday, January 7, 2022

Upcoming Onondaga RACES/ARES Training on 1/25/22

 Onondaga County RACES / ARES Quarterly Training 


Tuesday Jan. 25, 2022 at 7:00 PM via ZOOM

 ZOOM LINK:  Go to RAGS website (, Public Service page, for link.

- Admin Update
- County Alerting
- Public Service Events Upcoming
- Activation / Deployment Preparation

- Prepare a list of equipment, supplies, etc required by you for a 48-hour deployment, away from your residence
- We will review the lists and discuss at Training Session
- Download from RAGS Public Service website the Frequency List and have frequencies programmed into your radios (vhf/uhf)

John Perkins – RACES Training Officer
Amir Findling - Emergency Coordinator
Walt Bordett – Assistant Emergency Coordinator
Andriy Gronau – Assistant Emergency Coordinator

notice sent from:

John Perkins; K2VTT
RACES Radio Officer – Onondaga County
[email protected]

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Marathon Hamfest - Sat. January 15, 2022

 Reminder/Update - The all indoors Marathon Hamfest will be held on January 15th from 7 AM to Noon at the Marathon NY Civic Center, 18 Brink St. Marathon NY. Admission is $5.00 each, children under 12 free.


Reserve your tables by e-mail to [email protected]. Tables are $10.00 each plus admission.

VE tests will be given, beginning at 9 AM. Testing is off-site, a short walk from the Civic Center. For information on testing please contact Bob at [email protected]

For all inquiries except VE testing please contact Pat at [email protected].

 More info at:
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - 
Andrew C. Slaugh KB2LUV
Secretary, Skyline Amateur Radio Club of Cortland, NY
145.490 Repeater PL 71.9 Cortland, NY

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! 

Here we go into a new year! We are starting our 10th year at and appreciate everyone's continued support and contributions to this great hobby! Please continue to send us your event notices, comments and suggestions. (email us at: [email protected] )

Hopefully we are reaching a peak in the Covid situation and that things will improve as we go through the winter months. We hope you and your family are safe and getting through these very challenging times. 

Hats off to the clubs and groups who continue to hold on-line meetings, training events and VE exams during the pandemic. We have attended several on-line meetings over the last 18 months that have been very well run. I hope some of these types of meetings and trainings might stay as regular options for some of us who are challenged by distance or other circumstances! 

Don't forget that Winter Field day is coming up on January 29-30, 2022. Great time to get outside or participate from the warmth of your own shack. (learn more here: 

We are also still optimistic about sunspot cycle 25 which is looking more promising everyday!  Take a minute to check the low bands, as we have continued to find some really nice openings lately!

We are hopeful that hamfests and in-person meetings will start/continue to be held as the situation improves. Watch our pages for Event updates as they become available. 

Our Events schedule:

From the team here at; Wishing you all Health and Happiness in 2022!