Friday, December 16, 2022

CNY Ham Radio Breakfast - Sat. 1/21/23

 Ham Radio Breakfast

The next breakfast is scheduled and the event is open to ALL local Hams. It will be Saturday, January 21st, 2023 at 8:00 am. This is a great chance to meet up with some of the folks you talk to on the air, but possibly have never met in person. Come on all you drive time radio jockeys, "6M QCWA Netters", CNY SWAP and Hobby Net check-ins - we hope to see you all there.

Location: The "Finally Ours Diner" is at 3788 West Seneca Turnpike, at the corner with Cedarville Rd. in the Onondaga Hill area of Syracuse (see directions here:

Thanks to K2WOP; Curt for his continuing efforts for this excellent get together.

Questions? contact Curt; K2WOP on the 146.67 repeater.

Finally Ours Diner link: 

Saturday, December 10, 2022

Christmas Eve morning transmission from SAQ Grimeton

 What is better than starting Christmas Eve morning with a transmission from SAQ Grimeton?

On Christmas Eve morning, Friday December 24th 2021, SAQ Grimeton is scheduled* to be on the air, to send out the traditional Christmas message to the whole world, using the 97 year old 200kW Alexanderson alternator on 17.2 kHz CW. 

Program and transmission schedule:
08:00 CET (07:00 UTC: The transmitter hall at World Heritage Grimeton is opened for visitors.

Transmission & YouTube Live stream:
08:25 CET (07:25 UTC): Live stream on YouTube begins.
08:30 CET (07:30 UTC): Startup and tuning of the Alexanderson Alternator SAQ.
09:00 CET (08:00 UTC): Transmission of a message from SAQ.

Test transmissions
We are planning to carry our some test transmissions on December 23rd, approximately between 13:00 CET (12:00 UTC) and 16:00 CET (15:00 UTC). SAQ will be on the air shorter periods of time during this interval, when we will be carrying out some tests and measurements. Your comments are welcome to [email protected].

Amateur Radio Station SK6SAQ
The Amateur Radio Station with the call “SK6SAQ” will be QRV on the following frequencies:
– 3.535 kHz CW
– 7.035 kHz CW
– 14.035 KHz CW
– 3.755 kHz SSB
– 7.140 kHz SSB

QSL-reports to SK6SAQ (NOT SAQ) are kindly received via:
– Email to [email protected]

Live Video from World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station
The event can be seen live on our YouTube Channel or by following the link below.

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Santa Nets 2022

 Several Santa Nets coming up this holiday:

About The 3916 Santa Net:

For the 16th consecutive year, The 3916 Nets will be presenting The Santa Net on 3.916 MHz. Good girls and boys can talk to Santa Claus, via amateur radio, nightly at 7:00 PM (Central) starting Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, through Christmas Eve, December 24th.

We enjoy helping young people and their families have a shared Christmas experience that they'll always remember.

Pete Thomson (KE5GGY), of The 3916 Nets, commented on The 3916 Santa Net. He said, "Christmastime is a very special time for our nets every year. We enjoy helping young people and their families have a shared Christmas experience that they'll always remember. And we're thrilled to introduce young people to the excitement of amateur radio."

Youngsters can talk to "Santa at The North Pole" via strategically placed operators who relay the voice of Santa. Thomson said that The Santa Net is a team effort that involves the efforts of a number of 3916 Net members. He said, "In our first year, we connected 10 kids to Santa on Ham Radio and it's grown steadily since. This year, we're expecting over 1,000 children to participate."

Prior to each night's Santa Net, pre-net check-ins can be made at

Third party rules and regulations apply. The Santa Nets are presented annually by The 3916 Nets. The Rag Chew Crew, The Tailgaters and The Freewheelers are all amateur radio nets that meet on 3.916 MHz nightly. For more information on The 3916 Nets, go to For more information on The Santa Net, email KE5GGY at Gmail dot com.


Can't talk to Santa on HF?   (...try EchoLink)

Can't talk to Santa on HF? In Northern Colorado or anywhere in the world? Join us starting November 27 to December 9, 2022 to talk to Santa on the radio. The Longmont Amateur Radio Club (LARC) and Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club (NCARC) have teamed up to help you talk to Santa at the North Pole. Santa will be available on the following dates and times:
Nov 27th from 5PM-7PM MT - 0:00AM-2:00AM Zulu
Nov 28- Dec 3rd - 6PM-730PM MT - 1:00AM - 2:30AM Zulu
Dec 4th - 5PM-7PM - 0:00AM - 2:00AM Zulu
Dec 5- 9 6PM-730PM - 0:00AM-2:00AM Zulu

On the following repeaters and EchoLink:
All Repeaters are linked
UHF: 448.800 MHz (-) 88.5 Hz CTCSS tone - Lee Hill /Justice Center
VHF: 147.270 MHz (+) 100 Hz CTCSS tone - Lee Hill /Justice Center
VHF: 146.625 MHz (–) 100 Hz CTCSS tone 100 - Buckhorn
UHF: 447.700 MHz (–) 100100 Hz CTCSS tone - Buckhorn
UHF: 449.600 MHz (–) 100 Hz CTCSS tone - Grover
EchoLink: WØENO-R (node 8305)

Santa will be waiting to hear from you!


Wednesday, November 23, 2022

SARC (Marathon) Winter Hamfest January 14, 2023

 The Upstate NY Hamfest season will be kicking off again in Marathon NY!

The Skyline Ham Radio Club Winterfest will take place on January 14, 2023 at the Marathon Civic Center in Marathon NY.


We have limited tables and table space as it is an indoor hamfest. Tables or spaces are $10 each, admission is $6 per person.

VE Testing will be held at the Olde Town Hall, is directly behind and tucked up against the back side of the fire house which is across the street from the Civic Center. It is accessible by the same driveway that leads to the bank drive through  / ATM. It is the same driveway / parking lot that leads to the side entrance of a church. There will be a VE Testing fee is CASH only, no checks or cards accepted. Also exact change is required as they will not have change. NBT bank has an ATM located in the same area.

Talk-In: 147.180 + PL 71.9

Location: Marathon NY Civic Center

16 Brink St

Marathon, NY 13803

Hours are from 7am-noon (setup starts at 6am)

ADMISSION: $6 per person


For more information contact Patrick Dunn - [email protected].



Friday, November 18, 2022

New online course: Preparing the Nation for Space Weather Events


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Emergency Management Institute (EMI) has released a new online study course and exam, titled, Preparing the Nation for Space Weather Events. The course identifier is IS-66. ARRL Director of Emergency Management Josh Johnston, KE5MHV, took the course and passed the exam. "This course provides some interesting insight into the federal government's role and response to space-weather events," Johnston said. He went on to say that the course "explains the levels of response the government uses in regard to [these] events. [It] would be a good training course for any ham to gain a better understanding of how space weather affects communications here on Earth." Johnston deemed the course useful and shared that it only takes about 2 hours to complete online. A FEMA student ID is required, and is free from the EMI website. -- Thanks to ARES Letter Editor Rick Palm, K1CE, for the information contained in this story.

From the 11/17/22 ARRL Letter.

Link to the course:

Friday, November 11, 2022

Skywarn Recognition Day - December 3rd, 2022


Skywarn™ Recognition Day was developed in 1999 by the National Weather Service and the American Radio Relay League. It celebrates the contributions that Skywarn™ volunteers make to the NWS mission, the protection of life and property.

Amateur radio operators comprise a large percentage of the Skywarn™ volunteers across the country. The Amateur radio operators also provide vital communication between the NWS and emergency management if normal communications become inoperative.

All Skywarn™ spotters provide critical weather information before, during and after adverse weather strikes. This includes reports of rain and snow, ice and wind, storms and tornadoes, flooding and fire. This is our 24 hours to recognize all of the Skywarn™ spotters serving our nation

Skwarn™ Recognition Day serves to celebrate the contributions to public safety made by amateur radio operators Skywarn™ Spotters during threatening weather.

​​Amateur stations to exchange QSO information with as many National Weather Service Stations as possible on 80, 40, 20, 15, 10, 6, and 2 meter bands plus the 70 centimeter band. Contacts via repeaters are permitted.

NWS stations may operate at any time during December 3, 2022 from 0000 - 2400 UTC.

Call sign, signal report, QTH, and a one or two word description of the weather occurring at your site ("sunny", "partly cloudy", "windy", etc.).

NWS stations will work various modes including SSB, FM, AM, RTTY, CW, and PSK31. While working digital modes, special event stations will append "NWS" to their call sign (e.g., N0A/NWS). NWS offices may also participate via Social Media platforms throughout the 24 hour period. 

Learn more:

Thursday, October 27, 2022

RACES / ARES Training Session 11/22/22 - Syracuse

 The next quarterly RACES / ARES Training Session will be:

Tuesday November 22, 2022 at 1900 Hours

Moyers Corners Fire Station #2, 7697 Morgan Road (corner of Buckley Road), Liverpool, NY

TOPIC:  HF Operations


John Perkins


RACES Radio Officer – Onondaga County

Vice President – RAGS

Asst Net Manager - OCTEN

[email protected]

HH# 6100000238

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Internet Archive seeking help to document Amateur Radio history

 Internet Archive Seeks Donations of Materials to Build a Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications

The Internet Archive website is looking for help to build a Digital Library of Amateur Radio and Communications (DLARC). The project to build the library, is seeking contributors with collections of books, magazines, documents, catalogs, manuals, videos, software, private archives, and other historical records related to amateur radio and early digital communications.

Read their entire press release here:

Thursday, September 1, 2022

QRZ New Ham Jumpstart Program

 from QRZ forums:

We are pleased to announce the QRZ New Ham Jumpstart, a program that will help new hams get on the air faster than ever. The program, which is jointly sponsored by QRZ and GigaParts, will provide a FREE, New Ham Welcome Package to eligible applicants. Among the goodies in the first edition of theWelcome Package, we are including a brand-new dual-band handheld transceiver, the Explorer QRZ-1,along with a host of other sponsor-supplied goodies.

Purpose of the Jumpstart Program
This program is designed to promote amateur radio to the masses, helping to eliminate a possible
barrier to entry by providing new hams with their first radio. The Jumpstart program will provide the
QRZ-1 radio to new hams who meet eligibility requirements. No purchase or subscription of any kind is
necessary. The welcome package is FREE to those who qualify.

Full details link:

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Another great Roc City Net Hamfest!

 Joe and company did another great job putting on the 4th annual Roc City Net Hamfest! There had to be at least 100 tailgaters selling their wares Saturday morning. The weather was perfect and the deals a plenty! It was great seeing so many folks from Upstate NY as well as many Hams from out of state. Thanks go out to the Log Cabin Restaurant for hosting this event on such a beautiful site!

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Winter Skywarn Training

 Its that time to start thinking about Winter SkyWarn Training. Most NWS offices will be holding classes this fall. Some of those can be found in the links below:


SKYWARN - Severe weather reporting program

What is SKYWARN?

The effects of severe weather are felt every year by many Americans. To obtain critical weather information, NOAA’s National Weather Service (NWS), part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, established SKYWARN® with partner organizations. SKYWARN® is a volunteer program with nearly 290,000 trained severe weather spotters. These volunteers help keep their local communities safe by providing timely and accurate reports of severe weather to the National Weather Service.

Although SKYWARN® spotters provide essential information for all types of weather hazards, the main responsibility of a SKYWARN® spotter is to identify and describe severe local storms. In the average year, 10,000 severe thunderstorms, 5,000 floods and more than 1,000 tornadoes occur across the United States. These events threatened lives and property.

Since the program started in the 1970s, the information provided by SKYWARN® spotters, coupled with Doppler radar technology, improved satellite and other data, has enabled NWS to issue more timely and accurate warnings for tornadoes, severe thunderstorms and flash floods.

Learn more at the National SKYWARN web site:
Binghamton NY NWS SKYWARN page:
Buffalo NY NWS SKYWARN page:
Albany NY NWS SKYWARN page:

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Storm damage to the north country 147.135 OVARC repeater - can you help them rebuild?

 Back in June, a thunder storm knocked out the 147.135 Oswegatchie Valley Amateur Radio Club (OVARC) repeater. This is a fairly wide area coverage repeater covering the St. Lawrence Valley and northern Adirondacks. It has very nice coverage in areas with little or no cellphone service. I personally use this repeater often when in the Adirondacks or Thousand Islands area. The club is in the process of raising money to bring it back to life as soon as possible. Can you help them?

Some back ground; The OVARC Club Repeater has been around for over 40 years and is located on Vrooman Ridge in the town of Fine, N.Y. It's elevation is 1480'ASL and offers coverage generally in about a 60 to 70 mile radius of it's location. It is owned, operated, and maintained by the OVARC membership. The frequency is 147.135 MHz. + and a 151.4 pl tone and also has an Echolink node #823942 or WA2NAN-R. There is a morning net 7 days a week called the Rooster Roster at 7:30 am that is well attended by folks both south and north of the Canadian border.

A note from OVARC President; Kerry Bickford, WA2NAN:

We are looking for some donations for rebuilding our repeater site here in Fine, N.Y. in the Adirondacks.​ We had a severe thunderstorm and a lightning strike on a nearby power line here on June 16th that took out our VHF repeater, a DMR repeater, a APRS digipeater, two power supplies, and a solar controller, and cooling fans. Also our power grid entrance and 75' of underground power cable and conduit.​​ The repeater has been there since 1979 when we first set it up and never had lightning or surge damage in all those years.  This time it hit power lines real close to the site and blew the national grid meter right out of the entrance about 20 feet and cooked everything from there to the building and everything that was plugged in. Devastating to our little club and emergency communications here in the Adirondack Mountains.  Nearly $5000.00 damage, and not insured, don't know if we can recover from this but we are trying. This repeater site is very important to the area and covers into 4 counties for emergencies and world-wide with our DMR station.​ We're trying hard to get everything replaced and back running before the fall.  

If you could help us out with a donation, please send it to our OVARC secretary​ KB2HPR, David Jackson. PayPal donations can also be made to my PayPal account, as the club doesn't have a PayPal account.  I am the club president and can pass donations on to the secretary.  All who donate will receive conformation of their donation.  Send PayPal to k[email protected]  at the PayPal web site. 

Club website:

Club Secretary: David Jackson Sr., KB2HPR, PO. Box 227, 8 Second St., Edwards, N.Y. 13635



Saturday, August 6, 2022

Lightship Weekend - Charlotte 8/20-21

 from the August 2022 RARA Rag:

Help is needed with setup, operating and take down. Please contact Dave Timmons at [email protected]

Monday, July 18, 2022

Moravia Hamfest - 7/23/22


2nd Annual Moravia Hamfest & Birthday Party

Saturday July 23 - 6am until ?????

2220 State Route 38a

Moravia, NY 13118

VE testing 10:00 am

Flea market - truck/car cruise-in

No admission fees/No parking fees

No tailgate fees

50/50 raffle

Bring the kids, dogs, etc.

Jam session – bring your instruments

Great food available by vendor 10-10 Barbeque

Contact Mike W2JWW 315-730-9217

originally posted on 6/5/22 4:09pm

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Hudson Valley 80 Meter Net - Wednesdays – 5:00 PM EDT – 3.835 MHz

 Hudson Valley 80 Meter Net - Tomorrow, Wed. June 22 – 5:00 PM EDT – 3.835 MHz

All are welcome to check-in to the weekly Wednesday sessions of the Hudson Valley 80 Meter Net beginning at 5:00 PM EDT on 3.835MHz (+/- 5-10 kHz).

There were 16 participants for last Wednesday’s Hudson Valley 80 Meter Net including on new check-in from Washington Township in New Jersey.  Welcome to Jim K2ZO a member of the Bergen Amateur Radio Club where he is the net control for their Monday night 10-meter net at 9:00 pm on 28.375 MHz.  Jim is well known for his tireless work over the years as one of the moving forces and contact for the popular BARA Hamfest each spring.

Check-ins came from New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania.

113 different amateur radio operators from the Canadian Border to the Southern Shore of Long Island and seven states have checked-in at least once since the HV 80 Meter Net began in December of 2021.

The HV 80 Net and our associated HV 80 Website is not just for Hudson Valley Stations!    

We welcome all check-ins and Forum posts from licensed amateur radio operators.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

RAGS Hamfest - 7/9/22 -updated -

 We now have many new prize sponsors and the total door prizes have a $2400 retail value.  See attached flyer for hamfest details and our generous prize sponsors.   Pre-hamfest tickets are still available and can be purchased at under the hamfest drop down menu using PayPal or a C.C..  Tickets are $5 each or bring friends and get a free ticket....just  $20 for 5 tickets!!!

You need not be present to win the top three prizes.

July 9, 2022 ..... make it a special day!

Jerry Wright

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

International Museum Ships Weekend - June 4-5

 International Museum Ships Weekend is Saturday June 4 and Sunday June 5 this year.

 We will be activating the US Army Tug LT-5 located at the H. Lee White Maritime Museum in Oswego, NY on both dates from 11AM until 5PM.

Ham radio stations will be setup in an attempt to contact as many of the other museum ships around the country as possible.

 He LT-5 is one of the last remaining tug boats used in the Normandy Invasion during World War 2 in June 1944.

 Stop by and make some contacts.


John Perkins & Larry Rusch

K2VTT                   KD2MTG

Cortland Hamfest - Sat June 11th, 2022

 The Cortland Hamfest, sponsored by the Skyline Amateur Radio Club of Cortland, will be held Saturday June 11 from 7 AM 'till noon!

Free outdoor flea market, 25 indoor flea market spaces available at $10.00 per 10' space, first come first served.

VE testing will begin at 9 AM sharp.

Breakfast provided by the 4-H Teen Council.

Talk-in on 147.180 + PL 71.9.

For details e-mail [email protected].

Travel directions:I-81 to exit 12; turn left on to Route 281 South. Turn left again on to Fisher Ave, (8/10 mile) then right on to Fairgrounds Drive.

 From Ithaca: Route 13 North to Route 281 North. Turn right onto Fisher Ave, then right on to Fairgrounds Drive.

For your GPS: 4301 Fairgrounds Dr. Cortland, NY 13045

-- ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - 

Andrew C. Slaugh KB2LUV Secretary, 

Skyline Amateur Radio Club of Cortland, NY 

145.490 Repeater PL 71.9 Cortland, NY

Monday, May 23, 2022

17 meter Activity Group -

 If you want to have some fun or try out a new antenna - these are the guys to check out! They start on 17M at 17:30z every afternoon. Lots of check-ins from across North America and usually around the world. Great group of folks here. Check it out!

From Gary; K5IGO

Join us daily on the Activity Groups. Open to all. It is not a net, just a bunch of guys getting together daily to check propagation on these great bands. No roll call, just a list gathered up daily. Stop by and check us out.  73

17m - 18.157.50 at 17:30-18:30 UTC

15m - 21.383 at 18:30-19:00 UTC

12m - 24.970 at 19:00-19:30 UTC

10m -  Freq is usually picked that day at 19:30 UTC -

Sunday, May 22, 2022

New Southern Tier Ham web site/app

 Thanks to our friend Kris; K2RIS for informing us about a new Southern Tier Ham Radio forum/site.

Check out Seven3 for yourself at:

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Spring SkyWarn Training - Online or in-person

Spring SKYWARN Spotter Training Classes are coming!

Most upstate NY counties are conducting SkyWarn Training in April and May.

The training will be held at various area locations and on-line. This class is for beginners or anybody that has a general interest in weather (some advanced classes available). These classes train volunteers how to accurately observe and report hazardous weather to the National Weather Service. The classes are free and open to everyone; no age requirements, previous training, or equipment is required.

The SKYWARN program is a nationwide program that provides real-time severe weather reports to the National Weather Service. Trained weather spotters provide valuable lifesaving information to the National Weather Service and we encourage those who have an interest in weather to participate in this critical program. Despite all the technological advances, SKYWARN Spotter reports are still crucial to the National Weather Service in providing more accurate severe weather warnings.

See the full training schedules at:

Binghamton (Syracuse-CNY):
Buffalo (Rochester-WNY):
Albany(ENY) :

Learn more about SKYWARN and Amateur Radio at: 

Monday, April 4, 2022

CNY Hams lost a dear friend this weekend! Roger Hamilton WA2AEW - SK

 CNY Hams lost a very dear friend this weekend! Roger Hamilton; WA2AEW, passed away Saturday. Roger was one of the nicest guys in Ham radio! We won't forget his big smile and handshake. All around great guy, always willing to help and gave a lot back to the hobby he thoroughly enjoyed. Roger had ongoing health issues for a year or two, but still remained active with both RAGS and LARC. He will be missed by many! Our heartfelt condolences to all his friends and family.

Obituary from

Roger H. Hamilton April 2, 2022 Roger H. Hamilton, 81, of Syracuse passed away April 2 after a long illness. He was born in Syracuse and was a 1959 graduate of Hulburt W. Smith Tech Institute. He was a member of the National Guard for 6 years. He worked as a machinist for GA Braun and Nixon Gear. Roger was a Ham Radio Operator for many years and his call sign was Wa2aew. He was very active in RAGS and LARC. In his younger years, he played guitar in the band The Continentials. He was your "go to guy" if you needed to know something or needed something fixed. Roger is survived by his wife, Diane; daughter, Karen (Ozzie) Calabrese; son, Mark (Sue) Hamilton; grandchildren, Ashley (Larry), Aimee (John), Brandon, Cheyene, Logan; great grandchildren, Riley and Jack. Services will be private. No calling hours. A celebration of his life will be held at a later date.

Feel free to leave a comment or story about Roger in the comments section below:

Monday, March 7, 2022

CVARA Hamfest - Sat. 3/26/22

 more CVARA Hamfest info at:

More door prizes added to the Hamfest!
Arrow Antenna
Comet Antenna
Nuts and Volts Magazine
Ham Test Online
American Radio Club Tumblers from Ham Radio Prep
Artsci Publishing- Repeater Map Book & Directory

Hope to see you all there!  Tables can be reserved and purchased via PayPal by visiting our website:

Friday, March 4, 2022

Need help for Syracuse St. Patrick's Day parade - 3/12/22

 Need Help - St. Patrick' Day Parade!   

RAGS Public Service still needs additional operators for the parade. It is a fun event and the organizers treat us very well. Please contact Amir ([email protected]) or Walt ([email protected]) if you can help.

Jerry Wright, NK2C