Sunday, November 22, 2020

Santa Net - Thanksgiving thru 12/24/20

For the 15th consecutive year, The 3916 Nets will be presenting The Santa Net on 3.916 MHz. Good
girls and boys can talk to Santa Claus, via amateur radio, nightly at 7:15 PM (Central) starting Friday, November 27, 2020. The Santa Net will run nightly at 7:15 PM Central through Christmas Eve, December 24, 2020.

Pete Thomson (KE5GGY), of The 3916 Nets, commented on The 3916 Santa Net. He said, "Christmastime and Santa Net are the best time of the year on 3916. We enjoy helping young people and their families have a shared Christmas experience that they'll always remember.   And we get to introduce young people to the magic of amateur radio."

Youngsters can talk to "Santa at The North Pole" via strategically placed operators who relay the voice of Santa. Thomson said that The Santa Net is a team effort that involves the efforts of a number of 3916 Net members. He said, "In our first year, we connected 10 kids to Santa on Ham Radio and it's grown steadily since. This year we should connect over 800 children with Santa Claus."

Prior to each night's Santa Net, pre-net check-ins can be made at Third party rules and regulations apply.

The Santa Nets are presented annually by The 3916 Nets. The Rag Chew Crew, The Tailgaters and The Freewheelers are all amateur radio nets that meet on 3.916 MHz nightly. For more information on The 3916 Nets, go to   For more information on The Santa Net, email KE5GGY at Gmail dot com.

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Propagation Research Project - Help Needed!!!


Volunteers Needed for Propagation Research Project
From our friends at HamSCI...

HamSCI ( is looking for amateur radio operators around the world to help collect propagation data during the December 14 eclipse across South America. Data collection requires an HF radio connected to a computer.
There will be 24-hour practice runs on November 21 and December 5. The main data recording will run from December 9-16, to ensure an abundance of control data.
Details of the experiment may be found here:
Instructions are also available in Spanish and Portuguese. 
Interested operators should sign up at this link ( or directly contact Kristina Collins at [email protected].

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

SkyWarn Recognition Day 2020 - 12/5/20

 from the SkyWarn Jacksonville Fla. Team:

00 -24 UTC December 5th, 2020

On behalf of the SRD Planning Team, I want to take a little of your time to formally announce that Skywarn Recognition Day 2020 (SRD 2020) is a go.

However, like all things 2020, expect significant changes and a ‘new normal’.

NWS Offices will be out of play this year. Due to the staffing constraints related to COVID, running base stations from NWS offices have been removed from the picture.

So, what are we doing?

This will be open to all Skywarn Spotters including amateur radio and non-amateur radio operators.

  • Skywarn Recognition Day Webpage is operational
  • Amateur Radio Skywarn Operators are encouraged to reach out to all who have registered (the registration is up and running.)
  • NWS Operations may need to work on developing liaison methods (NWSChat/Other Comms) to collaborate with off-site amateur radio net control operators
    • Coordinate this locally
  • Skywarn Recognition Facebook page has been setup –
    • Social Media will be active – and we are working on setting up a series of live streams throughout the 24 hour period.
    • Including a ‘Faces of Skywarn” interactive event!
    • Local Offices are encouraged to engage your local Skywarn Spotters during the day!

Certificating and Logging procedures are still being worked out – so check the SRD webpage frequently!

I have received a few questions and the most common are included here:

“Can we operate the NWS Amateur Station from a remote location?”

  • The simple answer is yes you can.
    • Since we cannot operate from within the NWS offices, remote operations are encouraged.
  • You must work with the station trustee to assure they are aware of and will permit this operation.
  • It is also recommended that this be ONE club/operator at any given time to avoid confusion (the registration allows you to identify operational time periods.)
  • ALL station operators should adhere to CDC. state and local guidelines (social distancing, face coverings, etc.)

“Is there a cost for participation?”

  • No, other than personal time and equipment.

“I don’t have an amateur radio license, can I still participate?”

  • Absolutely, this is open to ALL Skywarn Spotters (and actually for non-Skywarn Spotters)
  • This is an opportunity to promote and recognize Skywarn Spotters.

Skywarn Recognition Day Webpage –

Skywarn Recognition Day Facebook Page –

Skywarn Recognition Day Notification List – [email protected] (put “Subscribe” in the subject line

What is Skywarn and learn about using it in Upstate NY: