Wednesday, October 25, 2017

RaRa Annual Auction

RaRa Annual Auction
(from the RARA Rag newsletter - Nov 2017)

Tim Guyot, KB1POP—RaRa Vice President

One of our most popular events, the annual RaRa Auction, is only a few days away on Wednesday November 1st. Each year I'm impressed by the variety of items, from a small box of toggle switches to contest-ready HF rigs, and everything remotely ham radio-related in between. Of course, I never go home empty-handed, and you shouldn't either.

Our entire meeting time will be dedicated to the auction; in fact, we'll be opening the doors early at 6:15 to let sellers bring in the treasures they're hoping to go home without. At 6:45 members not selling can begin perusing the items to see them up close before they hit the auction block starting around 7pm.

Speaking of the auction block, I'm excited to announce that our celebrity auctioneers Dick Goslee, KG2I and Ed Gable, K2MP will be back at it again using their incredible knowledge and a strong dose of humor to help sellers get top-dollar for their items. Whether it's a home-brew rig with no labels that they can fully explain after just a brief glance, or those "one-of-a-kind", "You'll never see another one like it" regen receivers that keep showing up each year, they've got it covered.

The auction is a members-only event (Members may bring one guest), so please renew your membership online if you haven't already. Our membership secretary, Tim Barrett, K9VB will be at the entrance checking membership, and helping members renew if they were unable to do so in advance.

Please join us and bring anything you have that's radio related that you don't need right now. It should be labeled with three important pieces of information: -Your name & call -A description (is it working?) -Your desired starting price Join in the fun! Even if you have nothing to sell, we can always use more bidders!

The entertainment, the ad-hoc education, and the comradery make it a great way to spend an evening.
Procedural notes:
Sellers: Please bring a piece of cardboard to put under any item that could scratch the tables. Also, please note that the club will benefit by keeping 10% of the final sale price.
Buyers: Be aware that we can only accept cash.

Please join us on Wednesday November 1, 2017 at 7:00 PM in the Boy Scouts Building, 2320 Brighton–Henrietta Town Line Road, Brighton, NY 14623.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Winter SkyWarn Training in Upstate NY

Folks its that time again!

Winter SKYWARN Spotter Training Classes are coming!

Most upstate NY counties are conducting Winter SkyWarn Training in October and November.

The training will be held at various area locations and on-line. This class is for beginners or anybody that has a general interest in weather. These classes train volunteers how to accurately measure and report snowfall totals to the National Weather Service. The class is free and open to everyone; no age requirements, previous training, or equipment is required.

The SKYWARN program is a nationwide program that provides real-time severe weather reports to the National Weather Service. "Trained weather spotters provide valuable lifesaving information to the National Weather Service and we encourage those who have an interest in weather to participate in this critical program," said David Nicosia, Warning Coordination Meteorologist in Binghamton NY. "Despite all the technological advances, SKYWARN Spotter reports are still crucial to the National Weather Service in providing more accurate severe weather warnings," Nicosia continues.

See the full training schedules at:

Binghamton (Syracuse):
Buffalo (Rochester):

Learn more about SKYWARN and Amateur Radio at:

Monday, October 23, 2017

LARC - meeting and auction, Thursday 10/26/17

This coming Thursday is LARC's meeting night---AUCTION, AUCTION, AUCTION

5:30p  VE testing begins

6:15p  Pete Sochocki NY2V will have a presentation on the "Sights and Sounds of Digital Modes" 

7:00p  A short business meeting followed by the ever popular auction with NK2C Jerry Wright as our auctioneer. He always makes sure everyone has a wonderful time and doesn't go home empty handed. If you bring any items that do not sell, you must take them back home with you. Please do not leave any items on the property or in the dumpster.

Holiday party reservation forms will be available. Reservation deadline is November 24th. Please join us for the festivities. Everyone goes home with a door prize.

Hope to see you Thursday.

73, Sharon; KA2TNK

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Pumpkin Patrol: October 30-31st

Pumpkin Patrol: October 30-31 Bridges of the New York State Thruway
This event contributes to the safety of travelers on the New York State Thruway. It is a statewide event and is held in cooperation with the New York State Troopers.

Pumpkin Patrol 2017 in Onondaga County (LARC)!
****We need a few more volunteers!**** We will be covering 19 bridges which cross over the NYS Thruway, on two nights, Oct. 30 & 31 from 7 to 9 pm.

We observe and report any unusual activity on these bridges to a net control. A mobile 2 meter radio is recommended however handhelds with a vehicle roof top antenna may work okay.
The net will be on the 146.31/91 PL 103.5 repeater.
You will be given full instructions and identification credentials.
Contact Al May at [email protected]

Monroe County (RARA):
Teams of two hams are assigned a post at each of the Thruway bridges in Monroe County.
The teams observe activity on the bridges and report any suspicious activity to local law enforcement. These actions are repeated by ham clubs all along the thruway for statewide coverage. The event began several years ago when some untoward individuals were found to have dropped pumpkins from the bridges down onto passing trucks and cars. Our efforts have put a stop to the actions of these vandals but, more importantly, the resources of local law enforcement agencies have been put to more valuable use.

The time commitment is from just after dark until just before midnight on Monday Oct.
30 and Tuesday Oct. 31. Operations will use the WR2AHL repeater 145.11. Please consider signing up and participating in this event. Contact Brad Allen KB2CHY, event captain of this event. His preferred method is via email. Place PUMPKIN PATROL 2017 in the subject field to [email protected]. Or, leave a message at one of the following telephone numbers
585-247-3724, 585-247-0251, or 585-216-5066.
You may also register at the Public Service Section of the RARA website and click on the sign-up link.